"Lauren's Blitherings"

No BS, genuinely honest op-ed ramblings on a wide range of news articles.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Censorship in a Free America?


I am fuming about this. Did anyone ever shut down the AOL chatrooms that "promoted" child porn swapping? No. Law enforcement agents created chatroom decoys to engage the people who were doing the swaps and then traced their locations and arrested them/confiscated their computers. Everyone got their way. The chats c...ontinued running and law enforcement got their criminals and everyone else got to keep their freedom of speech. Instead of taking away sex workers' rights and ruining any leads they have on traffickers, they should take advantage of the trafficking ads running on CL that give them a chance to actually trace some of the persons involved in this otherwise untraceable, underground market -- and LEAVE THE PROSTITUTES ALONE.